Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Photography Rights

     So those that know me know I take pictures of dolls. I only have one complete doll currently (One is a floating head. :'( )

     In the past I have taken photos of my doll with other dolls. Not to long ago some one who use to be a good friend had asked me (quite politely) that I no longer post any pics that I had taken of her dolls (With or without my doll) This encompass many many pics. It of course has made me quite sad to here this. It also has cut down on interactions that my doll has with others.

     I can understand if some one doesn't want a picture posted. . . just don't let me take the pics in the first place. I was encouraged to take these pics. Ugg.

    Well with this sitting in my mind I have thought about another issue. I make doll clothes. If I am doing it for some one who has a doll that is not like mine, I need the doll as a model. No, measurements or ductape mummy's do not work. So while I am making these clothes I do take in progress pics as well as finished pics. The people who I make these clothes know this. I post the pics on my site so I can use them as examples, show the owners, and for general references.

     I think that in the future, I am going to just post the damn pics. I took them and they belong to me.