Monday, April 18, 2011

First Post

So I sit here and jump off the cliff into the unknown. Yup. I am starting to blog. I guess I could just start with my plans for the day.
     Recently I made a lovely set of dresses for one of my dolls. Knitted of course. I am going to continue to work on some dresses but for a larger doll. The prototype dress I am working in some standard acrylic yarn but will do the finished dress in a chenille like yarn. I do promise pictures as soon as possible.
     I am also going to be watching Puppy today. I do it every so often for a neighbor. He is not actually a puppy but quite old. Puppy is well behaved and quite loving. We usually just hang around outside while I sit on the net and he sits in my lap. Doesn't make it easy to float on the web with him there but I do love him.
     The rest of the day is for video games. I plan on going through an old game (Champions of Norrath PS2) since I haven't played in a long time. I prefer the wood elf since she is an all around multitasker.
     Lately I have been getting more and more into being a proper lady. I feel that the pajamafication of America has done us women a great disservice. It seems that comfort has taken precedence over any kind of sense of proprietary. I mean it seems that no one bothers to actually dress for anything unless they have to. Unkempt hair, baggy clothes, flipflops or slippers. What ever happened to dressing nice? I do try to dress nice myself. Clean clothes that fit. Skirts/slacks rather than jeans. I try to go the rout of looking like a lady.  (Extremes of weather and activities taken into consideration.)
      I am inspired by the Victorian era when it comes to my styles. No I don't actually dress Victorian but that is mainly because I don't have said clothes.  If you wish to label my style still further, aristocrat gothic lolita. Bhaa. I hate labels since they box you in.
     I am also into proper etiquette. I am tired of the rude and uncouth ways that are becoming more prevalent. Specially in the younger generations.  I am not trying to be stuffy but basic manners and etiquette is a nice thing to have around. I tend to spend hours on Etiquette Hell. Wonderful site that helps with all kinds of etiquette.

     Tea. . . Now I feel like some tea! Wish I wasn't such a klutz and broke my cute tea set. Oh well. Need a new one anyway that will serve more than me and my dolls!

     I guess I am not really sure what direction this blog will be going but I will try to keep those that read it happy. And yes, I will post pics as soon as possible!