Saturday, May 28, 2011
I just have picked out some of my old videos and stared out with that. They are done by the Belly Twins. Two are actually more fitness based and the other is actually BellyDance. (but is the third in a series. Need to get the rest!)
My hip and sides are doing wonderful. General aches but nothing bad. It is so good to feel this way.
Right now I only have a few things to wear that is appropriate for dancing. A stretch velvet chocolate brown harem pants, Chocolate brown cotton Choli (which is a tad too tight) Shimmy hip wrap in Chartreuse! And some veils for dancing with. Oh, I do have Zills too! Of course I can't forget my many Saris either.
I plan on making Dolly and I an outfit in the Tribal style using this Pattern from Folkwear. It was made with the help of FCBD. I do have their original pattern. That is what I made my first Choli out of. I hope to make several Choli. Different fabric types as well as colors. I want to make it out of stretch fabric to make the fit more comfortable. The rest of the pattern is dead easy. the ten yard skirt and pants don't even really need a pattern.
In making this outfit for Dolly, there are certain concerns.
A) Downsizing the pattern for the Choli to both MSD and SD size. (Might as well cover multiple sizes while I am doing it)
B) Finding the 'bling' in doll size. (Sequins and seed beads should work)
C) The over Bra (The Bra covered in coins that goes over the Choli) I think I will crochet that, should be easier and just sew on sequins an add beads.
I have decided to go the traditional rout of doing the ten yard skirt in black but I am not sure about the rest. I like the example pic but I am not fond of Yellow or Orange. I think a emerald green for the pants would be nice. Do the belts in emerald, ruby, and amethyst with silver bling. The Choli, since I plan on doing different colors/fabric, I can just change it according to desire. The OverBra is another consideration. For me, being flat as a board, I think I will crochet a bikini top just like for Dolly. I can pin that to the choli as well as tie it up. When I wear my Choli it flattens me even more. Though with making new Choli I may not have that problem.
I will keep you guys updated on my project progress as well as my dancing!
Posted by SilverThornRose at 12:50 PM 0 comments
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Out of the hospital
So I am out of the hospital. Was only there for 4 days. A record for me since I tend to be there for a week at a time. No Abscess this time. Instead I had urine backing up into my kidneys and not leaving. I left the hospital with a catheter and a bladder bag. No fun. It makes some things awkward. From finding comfy clothes to hide it to the fact that I constantly feel it. And because of where it is the nerves are getting confused. It is almost like wearing an adult toy constantly. Yup. Horny and can't do shit about it! :D
Right now I have been working on getting my Grell Sutcliff head a body. For some reason I have been gravitating to getting a Female body. A simple and inexpensive RS 70cm Female body As you can see, it is now double jointed! This makes me feel better. I need a body for the floating head and if the head becomes female, she will be Eliza Jennet Miller. That is unless I plop her on the body and she says differently. Dolls do that you know.
Eliza is a very girly girl. Pink and pastels all the way. Skirts, never pants, proper feminine looks. Long hair and shy. She will be vegetarian, raised that way but may not stay that long. She will prefer to be properly courted by a gentleman. She does what is considered woman's work but is very proud of it. You could call her a classic feminist. For her, a woman should be proud of whatever she does, not look down on what has been traditionally work only done by women.
Now let the body come home, head placed and wig attached and she becomes nothing like I plan! Here is a pic of the head right now. Faceup by AStarvingArtist on DOA.
Posted by SilverThornRose at 9:14 PM 0 comments
Saturday, May 7, 2011
Bad Videos of Faceups!
Okay, so this sucks. Using my built in webcam, with KnightStar in the background. Laugh all you want, Just enjoy it!
Posted by SilverThornRose at 7:25 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
New Face
So I decided on a whim to redo Dolly's faceup. I myself am getting better at doing faceups but still need practice. This will be fun. Here are some webcam pics taken of her current faceup as well as some camera taken pics. (My camera so needs batteries!)
I am going to try to do video of how I do faceups but if I can't figure out how in the hell to do video using the webcam I will at least take pics.
First and foremost is cleaning off the old faceup. Rubbing Alcohol (91%) some cotton balls and a Mr Clean eraser. The first layers will be removed with the cotton balls and the rubbing alcohol. Just like removing nail polish. I refuse to use any other kind of cleaners. (W&N brush cleaner, Acetone. . .ect.) I have seen the damage that some of this has done to other dolls. From discoloration to eating away at the resin. Not good.
I also plan at this time to fix the magnate in her headcap. It has come loose. So I will sand out the hallow and using super glue gel, put the magnate back. For this I plan on using a Homedics spa nail drimmle like drill to hallow out the hole and remove the old glue.
Back to cleaning off Dolly's old faceup. Q-tips and a soft bristled toothbrush are also good things to have on hand for nooks and crannies. Specially the inside of ears, corners of lips and eyes and such. If you are removing a factory faceup you may have more trouble removing it since a lot of the time they airbrush the dolls and mix the pigments and sealant together. Now these pics are of her after the first cleaning. She still has pigments in the nooks and crannies and a bit of a thin film of dirty stuff. Once I get the first cleaning done, I give her a nice soapy water wash. A simple sponge cleaning. Then back to Alcohol cleaning but I use the Mr Clean eraser this time. If there are crannies that just don't want to clean, toothpics are useful. NOT METAL. I have heard of people who actually use knife blades to "scrape" off the pigment. What this does is scrape off the resin as well. Not on my dolls!
Well, I haven't gotten any better, nor have I gotten noticeably worse. I am keeping track of things better. Finished off some old antibiotics. Yet in a way I wish I would just get worse so I could get it done and over with. It has been a year since I was last in the hospital. A year today.
Working on dress number two for the lovely girl. Also finished a new dress for Dolly.
Lovely isn't it.
It is beautiful around here. Cherry trees filled with blossoms.
Now both pics were taken with my webcam so they are not all that hot. But enjoy them as you can.
Posted by SilverThornRose at 12:45 PM 0 comments